Club Bylaws

(revised per 8/11/15 meeting minutes for member suggested change language)

The name of this nonprofit club shall be known as the Czech Area Concertina Club (also known as CACC) and we enact these by-laws as our governing law.

It is our wish to secure for ourselves the pleasures, entertainment and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in playing and promoting the concertina and the music associated with these and related instruments. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote concertina knowledge, camaraderie and individual playing skills, and to so conduct club programs and activities (i.e. jam sessions) as to advance the general interest in music and promote public goodwill in the area.

Section 1. All persons interested in or promoting the playing of the concertina shall be eligible for membership. Membership is open to all persons. Membership includes all club privileges as well as all voting rights and the holding of a club office. Family membership includes member and spouse. Applications for membership shall be submitted at regular meetings or by mail.

Section 2. The club by majority vote of those voting members present at any regular meeting may levy upon the general membership such dues and assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization. These dues and assessments will be reviewed at the regular membership meeting in November.

Section 3. Annual dues based on the following schedule is hereby assessed, per membership, for the purpose of providing funds for expenses.

Membership Type Annual Dues
Regular $15.00
Family $20.00

Section 4. Dues shall be payable on the first of January of each year. New members and families shall be accessed an amount based on the full months remaining in the year.

Section 5. Non-payment of dues and assessments shall be cause for expulsion from the club within the discretion of the membership. The treasurer shall notify members delinquent by three months in their dues and assessments, and those members shall forfeit membership upon recommendation by the treasurer to the membership and majority vote by the membership at a regular scheduled meeting. ( these words highlighted are to be disregarded from these by-laws)

ARTICLE IV – Officers
Section 1. The officers of this club shall be: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and Board of Trustees.

Section 2. The officers shall perform the duties described in the parliamentary authority and these by-laws.

Section 3. The president shall preside at all meetings of this club, and conduct them according to the rules adopted. They shall enforce due observance of these by-laws; decide all questions of order; sign all official documents adopted by the club, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office of president.
Section 4. The vice-president shall assume all the duties of the president in the President’s absence. In addition, the vice-president shall organize club activities, plan and recommend meeting programs, and advance club interest and activity as approved by the club.

Section 5. The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit membership applications, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and mail written meeting notices to each member (or include meeting notices in the club newsletter, if any). At the expiration of their term, the secretary shall turn over all items belonging to the club to the successor. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the by-laws of the Club and have the same with them at every meeting. The secretary shall note all amendments, changes and additions to the by-laws and shall permit it to be consulted by members upon request.

Section 6. The treasurer shall receive and receipt for all moneys paid to the club; keep an accurate account of all moneys received and expended; make no disbursements without a proper receipt being submitted for goods that are relavant to the club function. As of August 2012, the voting membership approved that the president and vice president can spend up to $500.00 without needing to go before the membership for approval. These transactions do require a proper receipt to be submitted to substantiate the purchase. At the end of each quarter, the treasurer shall submit an itemized statement of disbursements and receipts. At the end of their term, the treasurer shall turn over everything in their possession belonging to the club to their successor.

Section 7. Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special elections at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation.

Section 8. Officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the members present at a meeting, when just cause has been presented.

Section 9. The officers shall be elected by ballot or voice vote at the annual meeting to serve a term of one year or until their successors are elected. Their term of office shall begin upon adjournment of the annual meeting.

Section 10. Only voting members shall hold office.

Section 11. The Board of Trustees shall consist of three members elected for a term of three years running non-concurrently. At the end of each annual period, the Board of Trustees shall meet and audit the books including the assets of the club and shall each July make a full report of their findings. The Board of Trustees shall also meet as deemed necessary for the purpose of making recommendations, perform any duties specified elsewhere in the bylaws and shall act as directed by the club.

Section 12. The officers of the club and the immediate past President shall constitute the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the club between its meetings, fix the hour and place of meetings, make recommendations to the club, and shall perform other duties as specified in these bylaws. The Board shall be subjected to the orders of the club, and none of its act shall conflict with action taken by the club.

ARTICLE V – Meetings
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday of each calendar month. The primary purpose of each meeting shall be to allow each attendee a chance to participate in promoting concertina music.

Section 2. The regular meeting in June shall be known as the annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving annual reports, and conducting any other business that may arise

Section 3. The president upon the written request of any five club members may call special meetings. Notices shall be sent to members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted. Only such business as designated shall be transacted. Such notices shall be sent so that they arrive not less than 24-hours before the meeting.

Section 4. No notice shall be required for a regular meeting except the annual meeting, which shall require notice of at least eight days.

Section 5. One tenth (10%) of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE VI – Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the Modern Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the club in all cases where they are not inconsistent with these by-laws and any special rules of order the club may adopt.

ARTICLE VII – Amendments
Section 1. The by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the club by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present, provided that previous notice of the amendment was given to all members at lease eight days in advance.

Section 2. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail of the intent to amend the by-laws.

Section 3 Proposal proposed / discussed and motion passed. No club funds shall be used to purchase alcoholic beverages. Permitted beverages that can be purchased with club funds are soft drinks and water only.

ARTICLE VIII – Committees
Section 1. Newsletter Editor. This position is appointed by the club president. The newsletter editor is responsible for producing a monthly newsletter to be mailed to all members. This newsletter should contain a notice of the next regular meeting (including date, time and location). Any other information included should be of interest to the membership and related to the concertina or the music.

Section 2. Jam Session Committee. These positions are appointed by the club president to plan, schedule, publicize, and coordinate all jam sessions. These are to be held for the good of the musicians and to promote public awareness.

Section 3. Program Director. The club president appoints this position. The program director is responsible for planning/providing a program at each regular meeting. This program should be of interest to the membership and relate, in some manner, to the concertina, the music or its history.

Section 4. The club may authorize special committees as the need arises. Appointments to the committees are at the discretion of the president.

ARTICLE lX – Club Property
The secretary shall maintain a list of all club property. This list shall be reviewed at the annual meeting. This list shall include identifying information and location.

ARTICLE X – Meeting Outline
meeting should be to devote the majority of time to the program and the jam session. Regular business should be kept as short as possible. Meetings shall be conducted in a non-smoking atmosphere.
The outline for each meeting can be, but not limited to, the following:

A. Call to order
B. Reading of the minutes from previous meeting (overview)
C. Treasures Report
D. The objective of each Committee Reports
E. Communications/Correspondence
F. Old Business
G. New Business
H. Close of meeting
I. Program
J. Jam Session

Article XI: Incorporation as non-profit
Section 1: The name of this corporation is Czech Area Concertina club, Inc.

Section 2: The location and post office address of this corporation’s registered office in the State of Minnesota is:
12375 Flag Avenue South,
Savage, Minnesota 55378.

Section 3: This is a non-profit corporation organized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 317A.

Section 4: The management of this corporation shall be vested in a board of directors, known hereafter as the board of trustees, which shall consist of three (3) members. The names and post office address of the trustees of the corporation is listed with the secretary of the club. The term of office shall be until the organizational meeting of the corporation (club).

Section 5: The name and post office of the incorporator of this corporation is:
Dan Miller,
505 M&I Bank Building,
6625 Lyndale Avenue South,
Richfield, Minnesota 55423.

Section 6:
a. The purpose of this corporation is to promote knowledge of the Chemnitz style concertina (a musical instrument of the region’s heritage) through public performances, musical training, and historical research on its roots in Minnesota culture. The corporation will also serve to improve the exchange of information and cooperation between its members, and to enhance camaraderie and individual playing skills by conducting programs and activities to advance the general interest in music and to promote public good will.

b: This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purpose, the making of distribution to organizations that qualify as exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. c: No part of the net earnings of this corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that this corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and this corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, this corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which is deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. d: Upon the dissolution of this corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the District Court of the county in which the principal office of this corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes

Section 7: No officer, trustee, or member of this corporation shall be personally liable for its debts or obligations of any nature, nor shall any of the property of the officers, trustees, or members be subject to the payment of debts or obligation of this corporation.

Section 8: The duration of this corporation shall be perpetual.

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